What does Chemotherapy Look Like | Tina Case Bay Area PhotographerThe brutal reality of cancer is that the scars it leaves are not just on the patients but the invisible kind that the loved ones feel the most deeply and poignantly each day. Not a day goes by that I don't think of those closest to me who have battled some form of cancer. Many have gone through round after brutal round of chemotherapy or radiation, or both. I wanted to show what chemotherapy looks like. To take the mystery out of it for those of you who have never seen it up close and personal. It's not something to be uncomfortable about. It's the stark reality that this is part of many people's lives. It's part of their routine to get the beast out, to manage their illness and carry on. I asked my dear friend if I could document her most recent treatment. Both she and her nurses said yes. So here are some photos to show you what it looks like. First, there is the chemotherapy port that is embedded under the skin. The port is a small device that is implanted under the skin to allow access to the bloodstream. It can also be used to draw blood. In this case it is used to infuse chemotherapy drugs. Ports are used rather than an IV because chemotherapy typically involves so many treatments over the course of many months that it is easier than inserting an IV each time.
Many chemo patients have what is called 'Chemo-Brain' after their treatments. The drugs often have major side effects including cognitive changes to the memory for brief periods of time.
Nurses are so critical to the care and treatment of cancer patients. I have encountered some of the most caring people who are so dedicated to their job.
An infusion pump monitors the rate that the drugs are infused into the bloodstream via the chemotherapy port.
During the hours-long process my friend and I chat the whole time. The time goes by fast. I grab some soup for her to eat and she nibbles on other snacks that settle her stomach. Sometimes she has a hard candy to chew on to get the initial awful taste out that is experienced at the onset of the infusion. But she is completely alert. Other people in the infusion room doze off. Some have friends and family there, others come alone. The nurses are kind and gentle. They are all angels who give the deepest care to all of these people.
Today I am a volunteer photographer for Shoots for Cure as well as the Pancreatic Cancer Organization. We have a long way to go. But small steps result in thousands of miles to find a cure in this journey.
If anyone is reading this because someone you love has cancer these scenes are familiar. To those wondering what you can do for a loved one with cancer, bring them meals, visit them, - and help the caregiver as much as you help the patient. You can be a wonderful gift with your time and caring. In many ways I gain so much from the experience. These folks are always an inspiration to me, showing incredible valor, humanity and gratitude as they walk in their journey with cancer.
Thank you for posting this, it needs to be spread far and wide. Many people have no idea what a cancer patient goes through. All they see are the results, good or bad.
so touching...
thank you for this Tina.
Pam Arivett(non-registered)
Tina, I knew you were a very nice person, but never knew how really wonderful you are. God Bless You for all your work and time spent helping others. Thank you for being you.
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