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Guidelines for Great Head Shots | Tina Case Photography

November 21, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

What makes a great head shot?  There are a number of things as a photographer that I have to prepare.  I always clean my gear and have a fully charged camera before heading out on a session.  But what do you as the client need to know especially for a great head shot?  Here are the simple guidelines which I send out to my clients:

Dishcrawl headshotDishcrawl headshot

  • Keep clothing simple - solid colors work better than prints but small stripes and small prints are ok.  No plaid or large prints.  Definitely no logos showing.
  • Women should wear at least a 3/4 sleeve.  Do not wear sleeveless tops.
  • If you have a suit jacket (men and women) we will take shots both with and without for two different looks.
  • Be sure your clothes fit and are not too tight. Too tight and it will show wrinkles when you cross your arms or lean on a counter.  
  • Take time selecting your outfit and be sure to try them on and look in the mirror for a good fit.  A good test is to cross your arms in the mirror and see if the shoulders and arms bunch up too much (causing too many wrinkles).  
  • Women and men - do not wear baggy clothing, sweaters, etc., as they will add pounds to your photos.

Hair & Make Up
  • Don't drastically change your hair - a cut may not turn out the way you want and you won't have time to let it grow out.  I've had people who had their hair cut the day before and didn't like the way it turned out. - so please be sure not to get your hair drastically cut or coiffed in a way you're not used to.
  • If you color your hair, be sure your roots have a touch up
  • Women: Make up - in this case more is actually better especially for the eyes.  Keep lipstick color neutral.  Light on blush.

preparing for a great head shotpreparing for a great head shotpreparing for a great head shot


Eye Glasses
  • The biggest problem with eyeglasses is the flare and reflection that shows up.  If you do not want to take your glasses off for your head shot be aware that there might be some reflection. I will ask you to tilt the glasses slightly to reduce it as much as possible.  Sometimes we will take 2 shots, with and without glasses and I might have to photoshop and blend the two photos if there is a lot of glare.
  • Now's the time to start thinking of investing in non-reflective lenses - if you have your photo taken a lot this GREATLY helps in all photos.
Rest and Relax
Be sure to get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water a few days before a head shot - it will show in your skin :)
And if you have any questions before our session please contact me at [email protected] or 408.621.6431.



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