By Jeiji Bruno, Graphic Artist:
I love it when a logo does its job: saying everything it should in the simplest way possible. When creating sketches for this logo the main thing I kept in mind was Tina's deep sense of LOVE and Family. I passed through concepts involving a "mama" capital 'C' and a 'baby' lower-case 'c,' turned into each other so it appeared as if they were hugging from a bird's-eye-view. I also tried cutting a heart shape out of a capital 'C' in her name. But the one that stuck out was the one we went forward with.
Tina Case Photography LogoThe story behind my logo
The primary concept people will see first depends on that person's occupation and/or mindset. To the average person, a minimal heart made of five lines would probably be most apparent. But to a professional or serious photographer, the familiar lines of metering and bracketing might surface first.
The heart's five lines represent Tina's five-member family. It is also important that five lines is the fewest amount of straight lines possible to clearly represent a heart.
The colors (Seafoam and Chocolate) are very contrasting colors, mirroring Tina's personality of exciting and energetic passion and fun. The font (Neutraface) also was chosen for this reason.
As this brand develops I am excited to see our combined curiosities create beautiful stationery, stickers, envelopes, and whatever else our imaginations can possibly think of. This will be super fun.
From Tina's Perspective:
Meeting Jeiji was serendipitous - he's a good friend of my oldest daughter and he's amazingly creative. He's just wired that way. My daughter is surrounded by a bunch of amazing and creative friends because she is in a creative field herself, Animation and Illustration. When I met Jeiji and realized what field he is in I jumped at the chance to collaborate with him to design my new logo. When we met to discuss my logo Jeiji was fully prepared and began by interviewing me with a lot of well thought out questions. His interview made me really stop and carefully think about where I want to take my business, my branding and my business identity. The questions, while I've thought about them before, really helped me hone in on the type of business I want to establish and my long-term vision.
The two major requirements I had for Jeiji is that a heart had to be in the design. I also wanted to incorporate my name since that is my brand. When it came to colors, we tossed around a number of color schemes but I kept coming back to chocolate brown (yes, I'm a chocoholic) and turquoise or sea-foam green. Those two color combinations just resonate with me. I'm also very simplistic and love the elegant and simple lines of the font. I loved what Jeiji put together immediately. I love the abstract heart that has so much symbolism in it for me personally. It has the five lines which represent my immediate family plus it represents a camera in an abstract way with the metering and bracketing lines. And I love that it the most minimalistic heart you can create with five lines. It's clean, it's elegant, it's simple - and it's chocolate!