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Serendipity Snapshot Leads to a Wonderful Client

March 21, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I love when a serendipitous moment happens.  A couple of weeks ago I was happily on my way to conduct a family photo session.  But about halfway to my destination I got a text that said "Sorry, Tina, but we have to reschedule, something has come up."  Well, I could have made a U-Turn to return home.  Instead I decided to go to the park anyway and take some nature photos.  

I was snapping photos of turtles, birds and the mountains when I came across a young couple who was playing fetch with their dog.  I'm a huge dog lover with 2 big dogs of my own.  I asked them if I could snap a few photos of their dog jumping into the lake and going after her tennis ball.  We chatted a bit and I could clearly see that the young woman had a baby bump.  What could have been a rescheduled family photo session turned out to be a great nature walk, some new stock photos for Getty Images, and a new client!  I just finished taking their baby bump photos and look forward to a newborn photo session in less than 2 months.  

SERENDIPITY is defined as "the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident." 

When you open your heart to the world and are full of gratitude attitude, fortunate things happen.  And here are the photos that made it all happen, and the beautiful couple who will be a family of three in about six weeks!

A playful dog jumps into the water to fetch a ball.A playful dog jumps into the water to fetch a ball.A playful dog jumps into the water to fetch a ball. A playful dog jumps into the water to fetch a ball.A playful dog jumps into the water to fetch a ball.A playful dog jumps into the water to fetch a ball.

And here's a peek at the beautiful couple who will be expecting their first baby in a few weeks.  I can't wait!

I love this wonderful couple who were so great to work with!I love this wonderful couple who were so great to work with!I love this wonderful couple who were so great to work with! I love this wonderful couple who were so great to work with!I love this wonderful couple who were so great to work with!I love this wonderful couple who were so great to work with! I love this wonderful couple who were so great to work with!I love this wonderful couple who were so great to work with!I love this wonderful couple who were so great to work with!



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