Keeping My Photography Skills Sharp and Current | Tina Case PhotographyMy wonderful Aunt May.My wonderful and influential Aunt May I like to say that I've been taking photos since I was 9. That is when my Aunt May gave me my first Kodak insta-camera. But it wasn't until 2009 that I went pro and dove right in and purchased my first Canon DSLR camera, my first non-kit lens (a 24-70mm f2.8L) and got down to business. Ever since then I have studied the art of photography by pouring over books, magazines, websites and taking classes. I have several mentors including the amazing Olympic and portrait photographer Jeff Cable and Chris Shum, a wedding-photographer-extraordinaire, who provide on-going inspiration and advice. And I truly love love love Creativelive, one of THEE (yes, thee) best training sources for creative people everywhere. I also follow the work of a bunch of photographers whose images I savor like a big slice of decadent hot lava chocolate cake. That is, if you like chocolate. If not then substitute that with something you indulge in. For the first time ever I enrolled in an intensive 3-day seminar called "CLICK | AWAY" - and I can't wait. What resonated so much for me is the variety of teachers (and especially Sue Bryce, one of my all-time favorite instructors), the small size classes, and the amazing keynote speakers they have lined up. Click on the link and you can read all about it. It's a chance to make new photography friends and find on-going inspiration from everyone I'll meet. Next year I hope to go to Las Vegas for the WPPI Conference and Expo. My mentor Jeff has advised me that WPPI is an excellent photography conference to attend. This year I had a few conflicts and couldn't fit it in. But Click Away is in September so I am able to plan way ahead, yay. So besides personal projects that keep my skills sharp and focused, classes and seminars are a wonderful way to stretch my skills and reach new heights - or zoom-in and focus. After all, crazy good things come to those who imagine. And I love to imagine, be inspired, and learn.
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